Sample of Telepen Barcode Font:

Sample of Telepen linear barcode font generated with DRPU Barcode Maker Software.
Barcode Properties - Value:

Set Barcode properties by clicking on Barcode icon from drawing tools. Barcode properties have option to set barcode value, footer value, character grouping, orientation, data source for your selected Telepen linear barcode font.
Barcode Properties - Size :

Go to Size tab and set bar height, density, barcode value, footer and header margin, top and bottom margin, left and right margin as per your need.
Card Properties:

Above screen shows generated Telepen Barcode font label to print with any type of printer. Software has card properties to adjust or edit card shape, dimension, background etc.
Pre define label stock mode:

After designing your barcode label, click on print icon to print Telepen barcode image with manual or pre define label stock mode accordingly.