Sample of Databar MicroPDF417 Barcode Font:

See designed sample of Databar MicroPDF417 Barcode font by DRPU Barcode Maker Software.
Barcode Properties (Value):

Corporate Edition Barcode Maker Software has designing view panel to create different types of barcode label for any type of industry. Choose barcode technologies and type with barcode value, data source, barcode header etc as shown in above screen.
Barcode Properties (Size):

Go to Size tab to set Bar height, X dimension, Character grouping, top and bottom margin, left and right margin, barcode value margin, barcode header margin, barcode footer margin.
Card Properties:

Now you can see designed barcode label by Barcode maker software. You can easily select card shape such as Rectangle, Rounded Rectangle or Ellipse with card dimension, card type, background color, background image etc.
Pre define label stocks:

After successfully created your barcode label, click on print icon to print barcode label with print mode such as Pre define label stock or Manual mode. In case of Pre define label stock mode you need to choose label product (e.g. Avery Zweckform), product number with print options.